The Harrowing (Part I) - Two weeks left to live

There is no hope unmingled with fear, and no fear unmingled with hope.
— Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677), The Ethics

This is the first part in a series detailing how I survived in the aftermath of discharging myself from McMaster Hospital in late March 2003. Against doctor's orders, I set out on my own to heal and repair myself from the shocks and trauma of my two weeks in the hospital. It was a time of risks, of threats from within, as well as a time I had to deceive those closest to me to protect myself. Stubborn and frightened while also being defiant, I am determined to find my own path on the healing journey.

Toteninsel (Isle of the Dead), 1880 Arnold Böcklin - Metropolitan Museum of Art

Toteninsel (Isle of the Dead), 1880 Arnold Böcklin - Metropolitan Museum of Art

I will retain my inner integrity, but outwardly be deceptive.
— Chuang Tzu (c. 369 - 286 BC)
Christijan Robert Broerse