The Harrowing (Part II) - Regrets, rebellions and revelations

Out, out damn spot...
— Lady Macbeth, Macbeth V,1

In this episode, I describe the horrid aftermath of taking medication I had intuitively felt was working against me. In order to feel better at foregoing the prescription, I seek out my doctor and become grimly reminded of how little help and support I have. But slowly, surely, I rally myself and seek out answers from an unconventional source.

Jeune Homme nu assis au bord de la mer (Young Male Nude Sitting by Sea), 1835-36, Hippolyte Flandrin - Louvre, Paris

Jeune Homme nu assis au bord de la mer (Young Male Nude Sitting by Sea), 1835-36, Hippolyte Flandrin - Louvre, Paris

Enduring Illness (Opera macilentum - III)



The bubbles, buoyant toys,

Soldiers with their boats


I would stand            wet, chubby skin,




A towel

given to me,

 A towel

Wrapped around me,

  being lifting out of the


beads of water

skipping back over my skin


into the white bubbles.


A towel…


There are no more toys...

 no bubbles, to move even the

slightest is to wince, not lifted, I am slower.

foot over the edge onto


The bathmat.


I dry my reddening hair,

sad limbs,

dry my stomach

Internal inflammation,


Pale skin,

My ribs...


I count each one



Before glancing into the

Mirror with all my

striving questions…

2003 - (c) Christijan Robert Broerse

Christijan Robert Broerse