Vestiges of another life - an early appreciation of metempsychosis or first prelude to future healing

In this episode I discuss my early experience with metempsychosis, better known in the west as reincarnation. While it is a subject that draws disbelief and sometimes, harsh judgement, I offer up perspectives on my belief while examining a session from my teens where my mother's friend helps regress me to a medieval life. The results are fascinating and have repercussions in the real world. I also urge listeners to investigate further. In my blog, I have written further about the history of reincarnation (metempsychosis) and a defense of the therapy I underwent.

We are tendencies, or rather, symptoms, and none of us complete. We touch and go, and sip the foam of many lives. Rotation is the law of nature.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) Representative Men
Bras de Seine près de Giverny, soleil levant (The tributary of the Seine near Giverny, sunrise), 1897 - Claude Monet - Musée Marmottan Monet - Such paintings I learned about while visiting my mother’s apartment where she had a small library of impressionist art books. Monet’s work, particularly, had a dream-like quality, reminding me of memories and perhaps, unconsciously, vestiges of past lives.

Bras de Seine près de Giverny, soleil levant (The tributary of the Seine near Giverny, sunrise), 1897 - Claude Monet - Musée Marmottan Monet - Such paintings I learned about while visiting my mother’s apartment where she had a small library of impressionist art books. Monet’s work, particularly, had a dream-like quality, reminding me of memories and perhaps, unconsciously, vestiges of past lives.



A wildfire each night

  a rain on your fingers

and hands like streams

   every mist that

    clothed me

cloth of flame exchanged

   for the liquid

ribbon of an alchemical



my nest of self

 surging naked emerging

  from the

woods nearest

  your eyes


I was often smoke, a cathedral

  Erupted in

 a place of timber

applause gleaming

 praise that grazed

my soul into becoming

  a greedy fool

fiery plaudits and

shining coins

Thrust into my hand

    this was the

fiery, arching bough

I reached for,

  never extinguished

In my breast.


A fire never to

die, the

            journey through a round of


strings, music

  more vast than

the beating of hearts

between us, breathing

back and forth, like

 a pendulum, this


between the liquid jewel of

your eyes, this

head to my shoulder

and the next favour


Each candle you lit and doused

you could

   not be strong enough

for the final

Burst of stubborn flame


You could not put down

   That last burning


This my burning

My burning


And the tower

I slept

in, after my inflamed

demands, having

  received the

happiness for my work

my entertainments but no

weight in my palm

  no metal flicker to

warm and pacify skin and self.


I slept defiant

burrowing regret

   I was snatched


hands wretched and dirtied

  from my slumber


Asunder, in the presence

Of the prince

 Hours earlier I spat,

his cheek with the

dribble of my arrogance

rewarded, here

with knives, walls bloodied

torn, and

thrown in pieces

   into the river.


There I was no


only the burning

   ember in

my world’s

after trails


The lost coals

    crying for the

previous shelter

 of the rising flame


Or for the calming


   of your hearth, your

Eyes, fingers, hands…

2019 - (c) Christijan Robert Broerse

Du im voraus – Rainer Maria Rilke

 Du im voraus verlorne Geliebte, Nimmergekommene,
nicht weiß ich, welche Töne dir lieb sind.
Nicht mehr versuch ich, dich, wenn das Kommende wogt,
zu erkennen. Alle die großen
Bildern in mir, im Fernen erfahrene Landschaft,
Städte und Türme und Brücken und un-
vermutete Wendung der Wege
und das Gewaltige jener von Göttern
einst durchwachsenen Länder:
steigt zur Bedeutung in mir
deiner, Entgehende, an.

Ach, die Gärten bist du,
ach, ich sah sie mit solcher
Hoffnung. Ein offenes Fenster
im Landhaus—, und du tratest beinahe
mir nachdenklich heran. Gassen fand ich,—
du warst sie gerade gegangen,
und die spiegel manchmal der Läden der Händler
waren noch schwindlich von dir und gaben erschrocken
mein zu plötzliches Bild.—Wer weiß, ob derselbe
Vogel nicht hinklang durch uns
gestern, einzeln, im Abend?


 ‘You, a little beyond’ (Im voraus)

You, a little beyond

Beloved, long lost, never to arrive

I don’t know the songs you love

Given up, my search for you in the approaching wave of the

next moment. Still, these images 

in me  - landscapes ever-widening with

unsuspecting turns in the path

cities, towers bridges

and the lands with their gods intermingling

forever trembling -

all rise up with this one meaning:

You, my elusive one


Ah, you are gardens

I looked upon wistful with such

Hope. An open window, yes,

in a country house – and you, ever pensive

nearly stepped out, as if only for me. Streets I found myself in

you had been there in passing.

And sometimes the windowed mirrors of the merchant shops,

Joyfully spinning from your reflection became startled,

All at once, due to mine. – who knows whether

The same bird sang through us,

Yesterday, alone, in the evening.

Translation - (c) Christijan Robert Broerse

Christijan Robert Broerse