East German Blues or Music, Cars and Life in the former GDR (DDR)
In this episode, Dolly, her husband, Uwe, and I discuss the music and the strenuous and strange world of life in the GDR (German Democratic Republic - DDR or Deutsche Demokratische Republik). From stories about the popularity of the band Genesis in East Germany to the long application process for buying a car (‘the running cardboard’), the gouging of the black market, gasoline shortages, Stasi boyfriends, banal punishments for a family member visiting the west, we’re on a wonky journey to the past in the conflicted East. Some fun surprises? Did you know that former secret police agents became taxi drivers after the fall of the Berlin Wall? There is more to discover here, so join us for this curious adventure into the world of yesteryear!
For German speakers, check out the German version of this episode: “Nostalgie und Ostalgie in Ostdeutschland - Unsere Leben vor und nach der Wende” - Heute haben wir einen besonderen Gast, den Mann von Dolli, Uwe. Gemeinsam werden wir über Ostdeutschland sprechen. Wir werden über Musik, Kultur und die allgemeine Lebenswelt in Ostdeutschland sprechen sowie über meine Erfahrungen als Kanadier in der ehemaligen DDR. Freut euch auf ein weiteres erfolgen von Rob and Dolli Life to Life... auf Deutsch.
Dolli in her early, Germany DDR re-painting days.